china daily 双语新闻精选:如何养好装扮你生活的绿色小植物

时间:2022-04-29 02:49:47 英语资源 我要投稿

china daily 双语新闻精选:如何养好装扮你生活的绿色小植物

From watering to fertilizing and other details, successfully keeping an indoor plant seems to be a troublesome affair. But succulent plants turn it into a fun and easy experience. These fleshy plants don’t require much care and can easily survive and grow.
The following are some hardy types that anyone can keep alive and thriving. Why not let these green plants decorate your room, clean the air and accompany you through your college days? 下面介绍的是一些耐寒植物,任何人都能养活它们,使它们茁壮成长。为什么不用这些绿色植物装饰你的房间、净化室内空气呢?为什么不让它们来陪伴你度过大学生活呢? Snake plant
The Snake plant, also known as Mother-in-law’s Tongue, needs little light to grow. Juliette Vass, owner of New York-based online plant store My City Plants, says it “can literally survive in a closet”. You can even just leave this plant in a pot for years, allowing the roots to multiply into a thick clump. It has long and variegated leaves with deep green centers and light yellow edges. Its flowers are small and white, but it rarely blooms.
虎尾兰还有一个好笑的英文名字“Mother-in-law’s Tongue(丈母娘的舌头)”,它只需一点阳光便可茁壮成长。纽约植物网店“我的城市植物”的店主朱丽叶?瓦什说,虎尾兰完全可以在壁橱里存活下来。
Care tips
Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Don’t overwater, because it will cause leaf and crown rot. It tolerates low light but performs best with medium to bright light. It doesn’t need fertilizer. Any normal room temperature should suit it just fine. Remember to prune out any damaged leaves so the overall plant looks better.
Sempervivum Tectorum and Echeveria Elegans share the common name of Hens-and-Chicks. They both produce “chicks” ― small and identical plants that are sliightly offset from the mother (hen). But they look different. Echeveria Elegans forms flat and flowerlike rosettes, while Sempervivum Tectorum’s leaves tend to be flatter and more-pointed. The availability of different-colored hybrids makes them the perfect paint-box plants.
屋顶长生草和月影有个共同的名字―― “Hens-and-Chicks”,直译过来便是“母鸡和小鸡”。两种植物均产“小鸡”―形状相同的小型叶片,与母株(母鸡)有稍微差别。但两者看上去不一样。月影的形叶片扁平,犹如一朵盛开的莲花,但屋顶长生草的叶片往往更加扁平,叶子更尖。这两种植物的颜色富于变化,有多种混合颜色,是制作颜料的选择。

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《china daily 双语新闻精选:如何养好装扮你生活的绿色小植物.doc》

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